Wednesday, March 1, 2017

CELEBRATING SUCCESS...The Centre for Commerce Annual Meeting

Centre for Commerce Annual Meeting wrapped up 
another highly successful year

    The Centre for Commerce paid tribute to victories…many of them…in the form of new jobs, new businesses, and expanding businesses.  At the Carl Morgan Convention Center, the annual meeting brought out the best in the local business community.
    As always, the annual event brought a talented guest speaker who brought expertise to the podium.  Mr. Ed Castile, Deputy Secretary of Commerce, served as the guest speaker.  Wayne Vardaman, Executive Director of the Economic Development Authority, holds Castile in high regard.  “Ed did a strong job as our speaker,” Vardaman explained.  His insight was timely, since workforce development is one of the largest issues facing our economy.  He spoke to that, and he added to the event.  We were proud to have him as the speaker.”
    As Vardaman pointed out, workforce development is a major issue for Selma and Dallas County.  “We don’t have a lack of jobs; we just need more highly trained workers,” Vardaman added.  “That is why over 5,000 people commute to Dallas County each day from other places to perform local jobs.”
   Recently, The Selma Sun reported on an event, sponsored by the City of Selma and the E.D.A., to connect local workers to advanced training opportunities.  The turnout, according to all involved parties, was strong.
    As for the event itself, there was plenty to celebrate in terms of recent success. 
        ***Over 300 new jobs have been created, although that number is actually higher, because new and expanding small businesses often do not report job numbers.
        ***Over 63 million dollars has been invested in Dallas County and Selma.
        ***Over 5,300 people buy good and services in Dallas County when they commute each day, from other areas, for work.  
    The Selma and Dallas County Centre for Commerce is an organization that includes the Economic Development Authority (The EDA) as well as the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Information. The EDA and the Chamber are independent entities, but they share resources to achieve optimal cost-savings and efficiency. 
    The Centre maintains regular business hours for both organizations, sets operational and personnel policies and procedures, is responsible for paying shared bills incurred by the participant organizations such as insurance and equipment rentals, and maintains rent for the Centre for Commerce Building which houses the Chamber and the EDA. This partnership encourages synergies between the EDA and the Chamber that help spur development through collaboration. 
    The Centre for Commerce board of directors is comprised of seven members, four of whom are members of the board of directors of the Economic Development Authority and three of whom are members of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce. Each board is responsible for its own employment-related decisions. Wayne Vardaman is the President of the Centre for Commerce and the Executive Director of the EDA.

    As the event’s speaker, Castile spoke with the voice of experience.  He was appointed Director of Alabama Industrial Development Training on August 16, 1993. He is a former director of the State of Tennessee Industrial Training Service. He currently serves on the Governor’s College and Career Ready Task Force, the State Workforce Investment Act Board, the Board of Directors for the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama Foundation, the Economic Development Association of Alabama Board of Directors, the Alabama Career/Technical Education Advisory Council, the Commission on Manufacturing, the UAB Biotechnology Advisory Board, and the Governor’s Economic Alliance. He is the in-coming president of the National Association of Industry Specific Training Directors.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

SELMA WINS!!! Welcome to YOUR Business Blog, presented by The Selma Sun

    We all see it happening.
    Grand openings and expansions are now common in Selma and Dallas County.  Unlike the not-too-distant past, hardly a week goes by without significant business news.
    The EDA has brought in investments totaling well over a hundred million dollars, and scores of quality jobs have followed.
    The Selma Sun celebrates success with the Selma Wins! blog.
    Now, you have a central location for news from the EDA, the Selma-Dallas County Chamber of
Commerce, feature stories on the people of our business community, government news affecting business, and all things Selma and Dallas County.
    Bringing the news to you is an honor, and the opportunity to share business news with you on this site heightens both the enjoyment and responsibility.
    We welcome your new tips, whether it's grand openings, expansions, promotions or hirings, or good stories.
    Thanks for your support, and we leave you with two simple words...
    Selma wins!